Our people

Ripeka Iane

Content Specialist
The Gap, Natalie Eady, General Manager

Ripeka Iane (ear-knee) or ‘Peka’ is our Content Specialist and self-confessed foodie, who loves to write and add value to any project or meal. But don't be fooled by her serious job title - she's always up for a good laugh. Half Rotuman, her father came from Rotuma, a small Polynesian island northwest of Fiji.

When she's not busy writing, you can find her relaxing at the beach, spending time with her loved ones, or brunching at her favourite food spots. If you catch her in a good mood, she might even show off her impressive Peanuckle or CrossFit skills.

Ripeka is a big fan of soy flat whites and cab sav, but don't be surprised if you catch her sipping on a tequila or two... or three. On the flip side, she also enjoys solitude with evening walks on the beach - with her, the moana and her mate, the moon.

Just don't ask her to scoop ice cream for lines of people over the summer - that's one job she'd rather forget. But if you need a good laugh or a witty pun, Ripeka’s your gal.

Dinner’s ready!

Anyone but me

We're fun, not funny